Hey, I’m Ocean, and today I want to ask you a simple question...
Do you want to avoid dementia and Alzheimer’s disease?
We’ve been taught that cognitive decline is inevitable. Watch this video to learn the truth:
Slash Your Risk of Memory Loss
using delicious food and all-natural solutions that don’t cost a dime.

With Dean and Ayesha Sherzai, MD (Authors of The Alzheimer’s Solution) and Your Host, Ocean Robbins (CEO of Food Revolution Network)
Get immediate access to the breakthrough program now.
Right Now $497
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60-day money back guarantee.
Would you like to:
- Say no to a future of depending on caregivers to meet your basic needs
- Replace fear of decreased brain function with positive and scientifically proven action
- Help to protect your family from the devastating financial burden that typically comes with a dementia diagnosis
- Say goodbye to fad diets and gimmicks — and discover what the longest running scientific studies say about the best food for a long, dementia-free life
- End brain fog once and for all — even if you’ve been dealing with it for years
- Prevent or reverse “seemingly harmless” signs of mental decline
- Improve your memory now, and add up to 7.5 years of sharp cognition to your life
- Fall asleep faster, sleep deeper, and wake up more refreshed than you ever thought possible
- Delight your taste buds with brain-boosting new recipes
- Best of all — discover how to finally succeed at lasting habit change by leveraging the latest neuroscience
If that sounds good, you’re in the right place!
If you’re like many people, you may experience the occasional moment of forgetfulness. As a matter of fact...
It’s surprisingly common how many people nervously joke about experiencing cognitive decline starting as early as their 40s.
Are these moments harmless… or are they warning signs from your brain?
Any of these sound familiar?
- Ha, I left my keys in the refrigerator. I must be getting dementia.
- Where are my glasses? Oh, ha, they’re on top of my head.
- I must be losing it.
- I just have part-timers. Part of the time, I’m all here; the other times, I’m not all there.
We often use humor to hide our fear. It feels easier to shrug these little moments off with a chuckle and a smile. “Nothing’s wrong,” we tell ourselves.
But how do we know if we might be ignoring a distress signal from our brain?
How do you know when these moments —
- Why can’t I focus like I used to?
- Why did I forget to stop at the grocery store?
- How come I have trouble remembering words and people’s names?
- Wait. Why did I come into this room?
— are actually foreshadowing oncoming dementia?
The truth is Alzheimer’s doesn’t come out of nowhere.
In fact, the groundwork for dementia is laid years, even decades, before the onset of symptoms.
The time to take action is now.
Is Alzheimer’s more deadly than we thought?
Everyone wants to feel mentally sharp, productive, and have a mind like a steel trap.
But the truth is that brain health is one of the most often-ignored areas of health. It’s common to see people avoid certain foods for their heart health, but few people know what it takes to keep the brain healthy in the long term.
That’s because much of what we know about taking care of the brain is so new.
Yes, Alzheimer’s is on the rise.
And the early warning signs like forgetfulness and poor sleep are often glossed over as “normal.” But please don’t ignore them.
The fact is that right now, worldwide,
50 million people are living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.(1)
Officially, Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth-leading cause of death in the United States.(2)
But many researchers believe that Alzheimer’s is grossly underreported on death certificates.
In fact, it might be America’s third-most deadly disease, behind only heart disease and cancer.(2)
While nearly every chronic disease you can think of — cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, HIV — is in decline…
Deaths due to Alzheimer’s have increased by nearly 87% in the last decade.(3)
And, the next decade could be even worse.
Tragically, most people don’t give their brain the attention it deserves — until it’s too late.
Here’s an important stat you need to know:
Right now, people over the age of 85 have a 50/50 chance of developing dementia.(4)
Many of us can reasonably expect to live beyond 85, especially if treatments for major diseases continue to improve. This means that almost every single family will be affected by a loved one with dementia.
The emotional cost of the disease is immeasurable.
And the financial cost is absolutely overwhelming. Unprepared families can be devastated by the healthcare costs of this disease — years of doctors, medications, and round-the-clock care is expensive, even with insurance.
In fact, Alzheimer’s is the #1 most costly disease in America. And rates of Alzheimer’s are expected to triple in the next generation!(4, 5)
But I’m not here to depress you. Keep reading to find out about SOLUTIONS.
In the last 15 years, some of the world’s most advanced doctors and scientists have discovered some remarkably GOOD News:
It IS Possible to Reduce Your Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease by over 50%.
And the best part is you can do it with astonishingly simple diet and lifestyle changes that you’ll LOVE.
“Your everyday choices, not your genetics, determine your cognitive fate.”
— Drs. Dean & Ayesha Sherzai

Healthy Brain:
Eat, Move, Sleep, Think, & Play for Lifelong Brain Health
My memory has improved.
I purchased Healthy Brain because I was living in a fog and losing myself to cognitive decline; I was unable to clear my head or communicate effectively.
After taking the course and changing my diet, I began to notice a positive shift. I could visit with and carry on a conversation with my family and friends. My head is now clear, and my memory has improved.
As a result, we have completely changed how we shop and cook. My wife and I are so grateful for this course, the recipes, and all the encouragement from the Healthy Brain community.
Montague, MI
I don't feel as worried or scared about potential Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia. I feel empowered.
I value Healthy Brain because it has taught me all the things I can do to preserve my brain — and to prevent and delay (as much as possible) the onset of any dementia.
Since purchasing Healthy Brain, the most significant thing that has happened for me is becoming aware of how much is in my hands. I don't feel as worried or scared about potential Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia. I feel empowered.
For instance, after taking the course, I went for 30 min walks every day and exercised at the open-air equipment that is in a nearby park; I restarted the French book I had dropped, and I also spent time doing KenKen puzzles. I have always been quite good with numbers but have also realized that if you don't challenge your brain, the numeracy skills you had can disappear quickly and unexpectedly. Healthy Brain and Food Revolution Network have put me on a wonderful path that motivates me to continue to learn about health in general, improving my own health, and perhaps helping others, if given the opportunity.
I am now eating much better, doing more exercise, and working on what I can do to improve my sleep. I’ve also cut my sleep meds in half.
I purchased Healthy Brain because of concerns about not being able to recall words/names.
I value Healthy Brain because of its emphasis on the importance of the right foods, exercise, and sleep.
I am now eating much better, doing more exercise, and working on what I can do to improve my sleep. I’ve also cut my sleep meds in half. My recall definitely shows improvement when I apply what I learned consistently.
St. Anthony, MN, USA
I feel empowered and able to avoid cognitive decline as I age.
I purchased Healthy Brain because I want to increase my chance of having great brain health throughout my life.
The presenters are very knowledgeable, and the content is well researched and comprehensive.
I feel empowered and able to avoid cognitive decline as I age. And I am more motivated to exercise more and unwind, recognizing the benefits of exercise for brain health and the effects of stress on the brain.
Joyce C.
Auckland, NZ
Healthy Brain was well worth the cost and time.
I purchased Healthy Brain to learn what I could do to mitigate my risk of getting Alzheimer’s Disease, and I value it because of the information and practical advice on various measures I can take to take care of my brain.
Since purchasing Healthy Brain, the most significant way my life has changed is my increased social contact with friends because I am now aware of how important it is to stay brain-well. My husband and I have also maintained a vegetarian diet using mostly whole foods.
Healthy Brain was well worth the cost and time, as the information and advice were practical, easy to implement, and from respected experts in the medical and nutrition communities.
Susan F.
St. Thomas, ON, Canada
These stories are from people who’ve found success with our programs. Each of them is unique. And so are you! Your experiences will vary, of course. And no, we never offer compensation for these statements!
This 6-module course gives you brain health keys distilled directly from two of the world’s most savvy brain experts.
Built upon the life-changing NEURO Plan — pioneered by the brilliant neurologists, Drs. Dean and Ayesha Sherzai, MD (affectionately known as The Brain Docs) — Healthy Brain gives you breakthrough solutions backed by the longest running and most credible scientific studies.
NEURO is a comprehensive and holistic plan that encompasses all the key areas for optimal brain health: Nutrition, Exercise, Unwind, Restorative sleep, and Optimize.
Healthy Brain is for you if you want to...
- 1Boost your brain power... immediately.Start experiencing positive results right away as The Brain Docs shows you exactly how to build new neural pathways for rapid brain performance — in as little as a few days or weeks!
- 2Finally master your habits (instead of being a victim to them).Discover how you may be using a hopeless tactic when it comes to changing your habits — and what actually works (you won’t believe how simple and smart the Sherzai formula is!).
- 3Reduce high-stress levels — without overhauling your entire life.Learn the science of stress, feel-good ways to reduce it, and how inviting more fun into your life can give you up to 7.5 additional years of healthy brain function.
- 4Enjoy deeper sleep and more energy during the day.After a lifetime of tossing and turning… finally get that elusive great night’s sleep and watch your moods improve and productivity skyrocket. Wake up well-rested, full of energy, and ready to take on the day. The Brain Docs will show you how!
- 5Keep your memory sharp for years to come.Discover how to take action now to prevent and even reverse early symptoms of cognitive decline. The sooner you learn these brain hacks, the more stunning and long-lasting your results, so start now!
- 6Fall madly in love with brain-healthy foods.
The latest scientific discoveries show that what’s for breakfast, lunch, and dinner can determine if you spend your golden years lucid… or under careful watch. Gain the food wisdom that can only be provided by a neuroscientist who’s also a professional chef. Dr. Ayesha Sherzai will share some of her favorite recipes and demonstrate how YOU can make them for dinner tonight.
All WITHOUT spending a fortune on pills, supplements, pricey brain food fads, or special equipment.
In fact, most of what the science points to won’t cost a thing.
This is the perfect course for people who value self-reliance and don’t want to spend an arm and a leg to get breakthrough results.
Does this work? Here’s Steve’s Story.
At 62 years old — fairly young by the standards of most Alzheimer’s or dementia patients — Steve was experiencing a constant sense of mental fogginess and lack of clarity.
He said it was like he wasn’t even there — like he was having a constant out-of-body experience: a dreamlike state, almost a nonexistence.
Steve was struggling to maintain a thought process from beginning to end, and so was hardly able to focus long enough to have coherent thoughts, let alone communicate them. He exhibited enough cognitive decline to be diagnosed with early-stage dementia.
One thing that stood out about Steve was that he used to be an athlete. He had run his whole life until age 56 when he stopped because of an injury. Even though his injury healed, he never ran again. He became a couch potato.
Steve hadn’t gained weight, but his muscles were weak, and he became light-headed when getting up out of a chair. He had lost almost all motivation and zeal for life.
He could feel his brain starting to turn to mush, and he was worried about what would happen if he didn’t do something about his situation.
Steve didn’t want to continue on this path. He wanted to make sure the next decades of his life were enriching and full of lasting experiences with his loved ones. And his family was desperate to hold on to their husband, father, uncle, and grandfather as long as possible.
Was there anything he could do?
Did this stuff work for him?
I’m glad you asked. Remember…
Steve had already been diagnosed with Alzheimer's at another clinic.
But, when The Brain Docs examined Steve, they realized that he didn’t have Alzheimer's; it was something else.
However, it wasn’t all great news.
He did have short-term memory loss, and all aspects of cognition were involved: attention, focus, recall, and executive function.
What an emotional roller coaster for Steve. To first get an Alzheimer’s diagnosis, to later learn that it wasn’t Alzheimer’s, but then to immediately discover it was something else that might be just as bad.
It would have been so easy for Steve to lose hope and give up. Thankfully, he wasn’t with ordinary doctors. He was with The Brain Docs, who could very well be the world’s top experts on how to fight Alzheimer’s and boost brain health with diet and lifestyle.
He committed to their program.
Shortly after implementing the pillars of NEURO — which the entire Healthy Brain course is built upon — Steve was up and moving, he was walking more with recovered balance.
His brain fog completely cleared.
His blood pressure improved.
His zeal for life returned.
He got his brain back.
He got his life back.
And his wife, children, and grandkids got Steve back.

Ocean Robbins
A Special Message from Ocean Robbins...
My Life’s Work Is to Improve Yours
I want to share my own family’s painful Alzheimer's story. Maybe you can relate.
My Grandpa Irv founded the renowned “31-flavors” ice cream company. And my dad, John Robbins, grew up with an ice cream cone-shaped swimming pool. He was groomed from early childhood to one day join in running the family company.

Irv Robbins
But in his early 20s, my dad walked away from the family business, Baskin-Robbins, and from the immense wealth that could have been his because he didn’t want to spend his life selling a product that could undermine people’s health.
I learned early on that you can eat really well and live a very healthy life without being rich (because we definitely weren’t!).
As a young adult, I watched my paternal grandmother suffer and eventually die of Alzheimer’s disease.
I saw firsthand the painful deterioration of her health and cognitive function.
By the end of her life, she was blind, incontinent, and couldn’t even remember my name.
I remember feeling so helpless in the face of such a cruel disease. My heart breaks whenever people share their personal stories with me about the loss of their loved ones to dementia.
I know how devastating it can be.
At the same time, I couldn’t help but wonder: Was all this suffering necessary?
Is there any chance that had she adopted a brain-healthy diet and lifestyle, our whole family might have been spared a tragedy?
We won’t ever know because my grandma didn’t get a second chance. None of us can rewrite history.
But you and I have a choice today.
In 2012, I founded Food Revolution Network with my dad, John Robbins. Our mission is healthy, ethical, and sustainable food for all, and we’ve built quite a community of over 750,000 healthy food lovers.
Why am I sharing all of this? Well, I want you to know that...
I’ve spent the last 30+ years dedicated to finding the health answers that our world desperately needs — that maybe YOU need.

John & Ocean Robbins
And when it comes to brain health and dementia, I can’t overstate how…
I’m so excited to introduce Drs. Dean and Ayesha Sherzai (The Brain Docs)
Two neurologists who abandoned their lucrative careers in pharmaceutical research so they could dedicate their lives to uncovering a natural and effective way to end Alzheimer’s.
The Brain Docs are a marvelous and unique husband and wife team on the cutting-edge of brain science.
Ayesha and Dean met at a small party and fell in love almost immediately. They quickly discovered that their grandfathers had known each other. Both of whom were brilliant, kind, wise, hardworking, and made a huge impact upon the world. And both of whom had developed dementia while their heartbroken families watched.
With backgrounds at Columbia University and prestigious research institutes like National Institute of Health (NIH), the Sherzai’s could have continued their work as rising stars in Big Pharma.
They walked away from their high-powered careers because hey wanted to find a solution for the Alzheimer’s epidemic.
Spoiler alert: they did.
But they had to leave their lucrative jobs first.
You see, despite the best efforts of thousands of hardworking scientists around the world, there still isn’t an effective pharmaceutical treatment for dementia.
But thankfully, The Brain Docs got to work developing the only scientifically proven plan to fight Alzheimer’s before it even starts…
All it takes is the right food and a few easy-to-adopt habits.
The Brain Docs have discovered a proven method for slowing or even sometimes reversing symptoms of cognitive decline, dementia, and giving millions of people a beautiful future.
These same discoveries are also shown to help boost brain power, memory, and productivity — while increasing deep sleep and energy in as little as a few weeks.
OUTSTANDING! The best, most evidence-based, and practical information.
In a word, OUTSTANDING! Truly some of the best, most evidence-based and practical information that exists on dementia prevention.
Neil S.
Real health info, not fads.
They separate the good research from the bad, so we don't have to. Love the Sherzais.
Sharon P.
I trust them.
They always have such helpful and interesting information.
Lynette P.
Exceptional research.
Exceptional research has gone into their presentation. Their passion for what they do is immediately apparent when you hear and/or see them share their knowledge.
Ruth G.
These testimonials reflect people’s unique experience with The Brain Docs’ work. Your specific experience will vary.
Discover the astonishing breakthroughs in the latest brain health science so you can make the most of your life.
- 6 modules, each with 7 video lessons — all available in HD video, MP3 audio, and downloadable transcript format
- Access to an Exclusive Forum (that’s NOT on Facebook)
- 100% plant-based, non-GMO recipes that are super easy to implement — with gluten-free and soy-free options
- 6 delightful recipe preparation videos with neuroscientist and plant-based chef Dr. Ayesha Sherzai (see exactly how she does it!)
- 11 workbooks and bonus resources to help you track your progress and implement everything you learn in the course.
- Q&A with Dean and Ayesha Sherzai, MD, hosted by Ocean Robbins – where we answer the TOP questions from our community (pre-recorded, transcribed, and super easy to navigate so you can get the answers YOU want).
Video lessons that are easy to follow and simple to access
You pick how you learn best! Each lesson is available in HD video, MP3 audio, and downloadable transcript format. Simply press play and watch the videos, download the audios to listen on-the-go, or grab the transcript for a riveting morning read.
Cooking demos and recipes to mend & maximize brain power
What’s the best way to learn something new and make sure you remember it? By watching someone show you how! Join neuroscientist and plant-based chef Dr. Ayesha Sherzai as she shows you exactly how to prepare brain-healthy meals like Portobello Mushroom Pizza and Cashew Parmesan — easily, affordably, and scrumptiously.
If you’re like us, these 100% plant-based, non-GMO recipes will become your new weeknight favorites (Gluten-free and soy-free? We’ve got you covered.)
More than a course — it’s a community and ongoing support!
As soon as you join, you’ll be welcomed into our private online community forum, where you can connect with peers, share struggles and successes.
You’ll love being able to get support from our Team on your brain health questions. Come back any time you have a new question or concern!
(And by the way, this forum is NOT on Facebook.)
11 workbooks and bonus resources to help you put everything you learn to use.
Only in the last fifteen years have we mapped out brain regions and uncovered incredible insights into how the brain really works. But knowledge without action won’t get results — which is why everything in this course is brilliantly designed to help you USE what you learn.
(And yes, we employed the latest brain science to develop these workbooks, making them not just full of useful tools... but conducive to the way your mind loves to learn.)
Bonus Q&A with Dean and Ayesha Sherzai, MD, and Ocean Robbins
We answer the TOP questions from our community (pre-recorded and transcribed so you can get the answers YOU want).
In the last 15 years, brain health science has experienced a quantum leap.
Unless you’re a neurologist, you might have missed these breakthroughs… but it’s far too important to skip.
Are you ready to finally give your brain what it needs?
With Healthy Brain, The Brain Docs will empower you to…
- Get optimal results through stunningly simple, doable actions
- Prepare brain-healthy meals — easily, affordably, and deliciously
- Utilize proven habit change hacks to consistently achieve your goals
- Make it easy to live a brain-healthy life — so you can get the results you want
- Enjoy the lifestyle that’s been proven to reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s disease — and that can ALSO help you lose any excess weight while lowering your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis, and many other ailments
The Healthy Brain Curriculum

Get the fascinating facts and groundbreaking new science of how your brain works, which food and lifestyle choices can increase chances of dementia, and what you can do NOW to radically reduce your risk of mental decline in your 40s, 50s, 60s, and even into your 100s.
How does your brain actually work — and what can you give it to work better starting as soon as TODAY?
What are the 5 NEURO pillars, and what damage can happen if you’re missing even just one of them?
How can you use the latest neuroscience to rewire your brain so you go from just wanting to change… to actually adopting (and loving!) your new healthy ways?
What’s the most important thing you need to focus on FIRST to reduce your risk of permanent memory loss?
What is the mysterious “black box” that made brain science so difficult to understand in the past? And now that it’s been cracked open, how can you apply the stunning breakthroughs to your own life?
Module lessons:

Welcome & NEURO Self-Assessment

Your Brain & How It Works

The Alzheimer’s Tsunami

The Power Is In Your Hands

What Causes Dementia?

The Pillars of Prevention & Healing

Cooking Demo with Ayesha Sherzai:
Mind-Blowing Chickpea Omelet

Most courses don’t address the fact that it’s easy to want to change, but follow-through is another matter completely…
You’ll discover the neuroscience of how habits work, how permanent good habits are formed, why motivation alone can be a recipe for failure, and most importantly, how you can work with your brain to put healthy habits on autopilot.
How you can “trick” your brain into building positive habits.
What’s the dirty secret motivational speakers don’t want you to know?
How to feel less exhausted every day — with simple micro-adjustments.
Can laziness be good? Why sometimes it’s actually better to take the path of least resistance…
Why you never need to white-knuckle through endless temptation again!
The little-known (and surprising) reason that habits — AKA deeply ingrained neuropathways — are essential to not just your survival, but the entire human race.
Module lessons:

NEURO Habit Tracker

How Habits Are Formed

Habits Are Efficient

How to Change Habits

Why Motivation Fails

Putting It All Into action

Cooking Demo with Ayesha Sherzai:
Brown Rice Bowl with Kale, Broccoli, Mushrooms, and Chickpeas

The ‘N’ in NEURO stands for Nutrition. And for good reason! Overwhelming scientific studies point to the same fact: the wrong diet can spell disaster for your brain… but the right diet can reduce Alzheimer’s risk, increase energy, and boost memory power. In this module, you’ll discover which foods you may be eating right now that may be hurting your brain — and what to stock up on instead.
Is food powerful enough to prevent cognitive decline? Can it actually help reverse it?
Supplements: are any of them necessary or are they all a waste of money? What do clinical trials say?
Do coffee and alcohol enhance brain performance — or are they damaging in any amount?
Is coconut oil the “miracle brain fuel” it’s touted as... or is it dangerously high in saturated fat?
Which of the 2 leading brain health diets is best — and which popular diet is shown to cause brain inflammation, cancer, and shorten life spans by 4 years?
Why is a bad diet especially worse for your brain compared to other organs?
Why people with pre-diabetes, diabetes, and insulin resistance are at higher risk of cognitive decline.
Module lessons:

Feed Your Brain Right

The Anti-Alzheimer’s Diet

Fats & Oils

Caffeine & Alcohol

Dietary Patterns & Brain Health

Implementing a Brain-Boosting Diet

Cooking Demo with Ayesha Sherzai:
Roasted Butternut Squash and Pine Nut Quinoa

The ‘E’ in NEURO is Exercise. Studies show that the right type of exercise can reduce your Alzheimer’s risk. Even a small amount of exercise is better than none, but the right kind, and the right mixture, can unlock a new level of brain power!
Can exercise make you smarter?
Does it matter which type of exercise you do? Is stretching as good as swimming or biking?
Is a sedentary lifestyle really as bad as “they” claim it to be?
What does having strong legs reveal about how healthy your brain is?
Exactly how many times a week do you need to exercise for better moods and sleep — and for how long?
What is synaptic plasticity… and how can it turbo-boost your results?
What are brain-derived neurotrophic factors (BDNF), and why are scientists so obsessed with them?
Can you really see dramatic results after only 4 weeks of exercise?
Module lessons:

Why Exercise Grows Your Brain

What Studies Say About Exercise

How Much Exercise Is Best?

Avoiding Exercise Pitfalls

Three Kinds of Exercise


Cooking Demo with Ayesha Sherzai:
Marinated Tempeh and Veggie Skewers with Cucumber Soy Yogurt and Cilantro Chutney

In this module, we’ll dive into the ‘U’ and the ‘R’ in NEURO — Unwinding and Restorative sleep. You’ll learn about the critical difference between “good stress” and “bad stress,” and how you can give your brain (and your body) the rest it needs.
You’ll learn what the latest neuroscience tells us about night lights, sleeping pills, cold showers, circadian rhythm, sleep apnea, creating a good sleep environment, the 3 stages of sleep, and how to fall asleep quickly, sleep deeply, and wake up refreshed.
What’s the most important — and most overlooked — part of sleep?
Who should nap and who should avoid naps, no matter how tempting?
What are 3 things the world’s best sleepers do before lunchtime?
Is there really such a thing as healthy stress?
What can you do to stop racing thoughts from keeping you awake at night?
What’s your brain so busy doing while you sleep (and why is it SO important)?
What are the 3 stages of sleep, and what foods do sleep experts urge you to avoid before bed?
What are the scientifically proven best practices for deep, nourishing, and consistent sleep?
Module lessons:


The Science of Stress

Three Simple Steps to Unwinding

Lack of Sleep Destroys Your Brain

Creating a Healthy Sleep Environment

Sleep Hygiene

Cooking Demo with Ayesha Sherzai:
Kale, Apple, and Fennel Salad with Tempeh

Module 6 will show you how to optimize your brain’s full potential — and how to sustain all the new habits and behaviors that you’ve learned and incorporated during this course. It’s chock full of brain-boosting brilliance.
What are the 3 biggest drivers of short-term memory loss?
How can turning on the dopamine reward system in your brain help you change old habits — even if you’ve tried everything?
What does IQ have to do with early signs of dementia?
Can undiagnosed nutrient deficiencies be the real root of your sleep issues?
Why are neurologists prescribing unusual activities like learning a new language and singing new songs to their patients?
Is it possible to increase memory power with a 10-minute power walk?
Why do taxi drivers in London have healthier brains than bus drivers?
How can you expand your brain capacity by up to 15,000x?
Module lessons:

Optimize Your Brain

The Science of Cognitive Reserve


Building Cognitive Reserve

Sustain Brain-Healthy Habits

Two Master Strategies for Sustainable Habit Change

Cooking Demo with Ayesha Sherzai:
Portobello Mushroom Pizza and Cashew Parmesan
Healthy Brain could be the most important course you ever take.
Everything is based on proven data.
Everything they suggest is based on proven data, so why wouldn't you want to convert your habits that can be improved to benefit your life and those around you? All the information is about self-care and love, which makes for an all-around better person and life for you and those around you!
Elisa F.
Amazing researchers making a massive impact.
These two researchers, scientists, and amazing human beings are making a massive impact by sharing their knowledge and insights!
Steve F.
Science-based, cutting-edge, and caring.
Science-based, trustworthy, cutting-edge, caring. Very glad I discovered the Sherzais!
Paul M.
Amazing team.
They are simply an amazing team.
Mo S.
These testimonials reflect people’s unique experience with The Brain Docs’ work. Your specific experience will vary.
Uncover what the world’s top brain health experts want you to know…
So you can think more clearly now, add years of peak brain performance onto your life, and slash your risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias!
Boost Your Brain Health NOW

Get instant access — even
at 2 am – guaranteed!
Right Now $497
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processed on a secured server.
Your purchase is protected by our
60-day money back guarantee.
Prefer a 3-month payment plan? We’ve got you covered!
Join now for just $179/month!For every new order, we make a donation to Trees for the Future, enabling them to plant another organic fruit or nut tree in a low-income community.

Clear communicators who can interpret the complexity of the science into real-life application
Liz W.
Great data and scientific insight on brain health!
Claire B.
And There’s Even More! Enroll Now for These Powerful Bonuses (Worth over $300)
When you join Healthy Brain today, you’ll gain access to a powerful collection of free bonuses from our friends and partners.

If you're over 50, the groundwork for dementia may already be in your brain. The good news is, there's a lot you can do to prevent or even reverse this process — and to boost brain performance. This handbook outlines the scientifically-proven ways you can use food to regenerate brain cells and radically enhance your brain health. You'll get a list of eight superfoods that feed your brain, as well as delicious “comfort food” recipes your entire family will love.

As you’ll learn in module 3, dairy is no friend to your brain health. But you might be wondering how you could ever live without cheese! If you are, then this program was made for you. The Dairy Detox is a comprehensive, video-based course that walks you through everything you need to know to easily live and love the dairy-free life. In just 12 modules, you’ll learn how to transition to dairy-free eating while still enjoying your favorite foods (think: milk, ice cream, butter, and of course the big one — cheese), dairy-free nutrition, how to shop smart and clean, how to eat at restaurants and share meals with friends, and so much more.

Get everything you need to train for your first marathon, half marathon, or shorter distance race on a plant-based diet. The Roadmap includes a complete guide on how to train, detailed training plans for running a marathon, half marathon, 10K, or 5K, weekly video updates throughout the training plan, three sample meal plans, and expert interviews with plant-based athletes: Rich Roll, Brendan Brazier, and many more.

In the landmark Summit, Your Best Years Start Now, natural health advocate Brian Vaszily gathered 21 of today’s top longevity and anti-aging doctors and researchers and asked them to share their most cutting edge wisdom. And now, you can catch it all instantly, on-demand. You’ll discover the most important secrets to combat and avoid disease, to enjoy your youngest skin, and to experience peak brainpower, energy, and moods at every stage of life. You'll get the complete digital recordings and written transcripts of all 21 interviews.

You’ll get 7 days’ worth of breakfasts, lunches, snacks, dinners, and desserts all mapped out with step-by-step recipes and shopping lists. It’s all developed in tandem with a plant-based dietitian to make sure you get the nutrients you need to eat great and feel amazing while you’re at it. And — bonus (!!!) — every meal can be made in 30 minutes or less!
Take Charge of Your Brain Health

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Right Now $497
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60-day money back guarantee.
Prefer a 3-month payment plan? We’ve got you covered!
Join now for just $179/month!For every new order, we make a donation to Trees for the Future, enabling them to plant another organic fruit or nut tree in a low-income community.

I now have access to current, research-informed strategies
I purchased Healthy Brain because I'm in my wisdom years and want to do all that I can to remain healthy and active.
I’m so glad I did! I now have access to current, research-informed strategies that promote my brain health, as well as a supportive community that has helped me maintain the recommended lifestyle changes.
I’m now eating a wider variety of whole vegetables (especially leafy greens) and fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Thanks to Healthy Brain, I am increasingly aware of how to choose nourishing foods.
I'm so grateful to be a part of the Healthy Brain community.
Sharon R.
Chappaqua, NY
The course taught me new ways to care for my brain
I purchased Healthy Brain because I have Mild Cognitive Impairment and wanted to find new strategies to keep my brain healthy and improve my condition.
The course taught me new ways to care for my brain and overall health! I’m now focusing more on adequate sleep, eating lots of vegetables and fruits, and removing toxins from my food and environment.
The information is very valuable! I’ve found it so helpful that I’m also applying it in my own functional nutrition coaching business.
Jennifer B.
West Valley City, UT
I liked it so much that I’m taking it again!
I purchased Healthy Brain because I had really fallen “off the wagon” and wanted to get back on track with healthy eating and regular exercise.
I really enjoyed the course! As a matter of fact, I liked it so much, that I’m taking it again!
The lessons and presenters were awesome…and the materials were all first-class. I did one module per week which gave me time to enjoy all the extras and prepare a lot of the simple and delicious recipes.
This course has totally refreshed my approach to whole foods plant-based eating! I have been inspired to clean up my eating and refocus on my health. Glad to report that I am back on track!
Kathleen K.
Irwin, PA
I wanted to learn as much as possible to protect myself and my family
I bought Healthy Brain because I have a high genetic risk for Alzheimer's and wanted to learn as much as possible to protect myself and my family.
This course empowered me to help myself and others. I learned about all the RIGHT steps to take when it comes to diet, sleep, exercise, mindset, and all the other lifestyle factors to consider.
Healthy Brain was a powerful reminder that I am in control of my body. And it gave me the tools necessary to stay healthy.
Janet R., Norrtälje
I just love the Healthy Brain team!
I had a stroke in 2018 and decided to purchase Healthy Brain to restore my health as well as prevent future strokes.
Even though I always ate healthfully, this course showed me how to make even more changes with how-to-cook videos and delicious recipes. I also learned simple, effective strategies for reducing stress and improving mental health.
I just love the Healthy Brain team!
Donna B.
Ashburn, VA
I learned SO MUCH about brain health that I didn’t know before.
My mom had “age-related” memory loss, so I purchased Healthy Brain to protect myself from the same outcome.
I learned SO MUCH about brain health that I didn’t know before.
Even in the very first video lesson, I was getting lots of new information. I learned all about the impact of sleep, diet, and exercise on our brains. Thanks to Healthy Brain, I have made sleep and exercise more of a priority in my daily life. And I feel great about making these changes!
Malden, MA
These stories are from people who’ve found success with our programs. Each of them is unique. And so are you! Your experiences will vary, of course. And no, we never offer compensation for these statements!
Dementia costs, big time.
In the next 15 years, if we don’t change course, dementia will overwhelm not just our health care system, but society as we know it. The emotional cost of the disease is immeasurable, and the financial cost is absolutely overwhelming.
This trillion-dollar disease could collapse our already overburdened health care system.
And even more importantly, it will overwhelm our families and communities.
Every family right now has a connection with somebody suffering from this disease. The person with Alzheimer's suffers the loss of their memory, their impulse control, and their very identity. And the family members tasked with caring for them may suffer even more.
The truth is, your brain is priceless.
And the time to take action is now.
Drs. Dean and Ayesha have spent over 15 years researching the truth about dementia and helping thousands of their patients to reclaim their brains and their lives.
Now they’ve distilled their hard-won research and turned it into a brilliant, never-look-back program that can finally put your brain on the right path.
What’s that worth?
What’s it worth to have your mental health, clarity, memories, and the independence that make it easy for you to live your life on your terms, connected with your loved ones for decades to come?
Everyone needs this information.
That’s why The Brain Docs designed Healthy Brain so that it doesn’t depend on fancy supplements or gadgets that cost an arm and a leg.
In fact, you’ll be pleased to know that most of what you need to protect and enhance your brain health is free!
Healthy Brain could be the most important course you ever take.

Get instant access — even
at 2 am – guaranteed!
Right Now $497
Buy Now For your security, all orders are
processed on a secured server.
Your purchase is protected by our
60-day money back guarantee.
Prefer a 3-month payment plan? We’ve got you covered!
Join now for just $179/month!For every new order, we make a donation to Trees for the Future, enabling them to plant another organic fruit or nut tree in a low-income community.

You’re Protected By Our
60-Day, Unconditional,
Money-Back Guarantee.
Try it out. If you aren't completely blown away by the course, even if you just don’t like it, just email us to ask, at [email protected], any time within 60 days after purchase, for a prompt and courteous refund. This means you can even take the whole course, take every lesson, and make every single mouth-watering recipe, and if it doesn’t rock your world, you get every penny back. That’s how confident we are that you’ll LOVE Brain Health!
PLUS, if for any reason you request a refund, the entire Brain Health course — everything that you’ve downloaded — is still yours to keep. That’s why we call our guarantee “better than money back.”
Amazing knowledge shared, helping others in positive ways!
Meg H.
Frequently Asked Questions
Didn’t I already learn everything in the Brain Breakthroughs Masterclass?
While the Brain Breakthroughs Masterclass was full of LOTS of useful information, we really only had time to scratch the surface. Healthy Brain goes way beyond that, giving you 36 potent video lessons and cooking demos, plus all the recipes, community, live support, and bonuses you need to put it all into action — for life!
Will this work for me?
While not every person, particularly those already diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or another late-stage dementia, will be able to reverse cognitive decline, The Brain Docs have found that it IS possible to prevent cognitive decline in a great many cases. No matter what your situation, the lessons in this course can help you to optimize your brain health right now.
And The Brain Docs aren’t just experts in knowing what you should do. Their brilliance is in helping you to DO it. They put their neuroscience brilliance into full effect, as they designed a course that’s simple, easy, and effective — so you can truly get the results you want.
I’m young, does this apply to me?
YES! As a matter of fact, you’re in luck! You’ve found this information early, which means you get to benefit that much more.
The best thing about everything in Healthy Brain is that the principles and tips, when applied, boost cognitive function and exponentially increase the connections in your brain. If you’re young, that means you get to take advantage now!
Will this take a bunch of time?
That is entirely up to you. The course is designed to be self-paced. That means you can go as fast or as slow as you would like. Watch it all in a weekend, or take it all in over 6 or more weeks.
There are 6 modules in the course, each consisting of 6 video lessons + 1 cooking demo video. The longest lesson is 25 minutes, with most of the lessons running in the 8–16 minute range.
Many participants will choose to watch a lesson per day, and to go through a module each week. The course is loosely designed for that format. And to help you share in the journey with cohorts, we’ll send out another email each week, pulling you and the other participants along as we walk through each module. But if you want to absorb it all in one magical weekend, or push “pause” for a super busy month — no problem! Everything is there for you. For life!
Isn’t dementia all based on genetics?
Only minimally. Remember, most cases of cognitive decline are preventable — and some people with mild cognitive impairments can actually reverse the course before dementia sets in.
The simple truth is that the health of your brain depends, to an amazingly large extent, on the choices you make in life. And it all starts with Nutrition, Exercise, Unwinding, Restorative sleep, and Optimization. That’s what we call NEURO!
Yes, there is a genetic component to brain health. And the lessons in this course will help you optimize the health of your brain to give you the best possible odds. If your family has a history with dementia, this might be especially important. But whether or not you have a genetic disposition toward Alzheimer’s, if you’re someone who values having a sharp mind, and if you want to think lucidly and creatively for the rest of your life, then Healthy Brain is for you.
How will I remember to get through the course?
The irony isn’t lost on us that someone considering taking a brain health course might be concerned they won’t remember to actually take the course!
That’s why we’ll send you reminder emails every week, introducing a fresh module, so you have some strong incentive to move steadily along.
The first modules will help with this, too, as they’ll provide you with some fun and easy tools to help you boost your memory right away.
The course is 100% designed for you to go at a pace that works for you. So, even if you do happen to forget to log in for a week or two — or longer! — the great thing is that you’ll have unlimited access to the materials. That means you can always pick up right where you left off.
I’m already pretty healthy, will this teach me anything new?
That depends on you! Host Ocean Robbins says this, though. “I’ve been absorbed in the world of healthy living for over 30 years now, and I learned TONS of insightful, useful, and practical tips and tricks from The Brain Docs while we were working together to create this course.
I can say that for the vast majority of people, this course will teach LOTS of new and actionable insights.
I’m betting it’ll be great for YOU, too!”
Is this course only for vegans?
No. Of course, vegans and vegetarians are completely welcome (and encouraged) to participate in this course, as are people whose diets are anywhere on the food spectrum.
And, the course isn’t solely based on diet, although nutrition is certainly a foundational component of brain health.
While all of the recipes and the nutrition module of the course focus on the proven benefits of a whole foods, plant-based diet, and lifestyle — and especially on the specific plant foods that are best for your brain — everyone can benefit from the knowledge and wisdom provided in this course.
Why take an online course?
As we put this course together, we studied the latest insights in online learning, and we consulted with experts about ideal formats that work for people. We’ve put all that into practice, and we created a platform that’s easy to navigate and easy to apply.
There are 6 modules, and we’ll email you another module each week, which makes it officially a 6-week course. But you have total control over how you engage. If you like, you can go faster or slower, and that’s totally fine too. Plus, you get high definition videos, MP3 downloads, and transcripts of every lesson. So you can watch it all on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Or, if you prefer, you can listen to an MP3 of the modules while you’re jogging, folding the laundry, or driving to work — or you can choose to just read the transcript.
What if I miss a session?
Don’t worry, it’s all available for you to enjoy any time you like — for life! Many people who take our courses like to go through them more than once. In fact, some people have been known to make favorite recipes dozens of times! You buy it once, and you can cherish it forever.
Do I need any special equipment?
The only equipment you’ll need is access to a smartphone, computer, or tablet with an Internet connection. You’ll also need a working email address and the ability to check it in order to receive the weekly resources. Our platform has been optimized for every device.
I’m not sure this is worth the money...
Healthy Brain could be one of the best investments ANYONE could make. After all, your brain is kind-of important.
Consider what you could save in future healthcare costs: trips to neurologists, multiple medications, and long-term nursing care. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure — especially when it comes to degenerative brain disorders.
The Brain Docs designed Healthy Brain so you don’t need to buy fancy supplements or expensive equipment.
(In fact, you’ll be pleased to know that most of what you need to protect and enhance your brain health is free!)
But, of course, if you don’t LOVE it, and if it isn’t worth a lot more than every penny you spent on it, you can always take advantage of a very generous refund policy.
What’s your refund and cancellation policy?
We stand 100% behind our courses. If you find within the first 60 days from the date of your initial payment that you’re not satisfied, you may request a full refund of your payment. Refunds will be issued in the same form of payment made and may take up to two weeks to process. Refund requests must be made in writing before the 60-day window has expired to [email protected] or by replying to any email we send you.
Lives Changed By The Brain Docs’ Work
Fascinating and a thorough honest assessment of the science.
Anna C.
Good science and clear explanations!
Barbara D.
The true answer for Alzheimer’s is here!
Alapaki J.
Incredible in-depth teaching on brain health & the do’s & don’ts of eating more healthy whole foods.
Doreen S.
They are amazing and so wise! Please do yourself a favor and follow them and their advice!
Aly S.
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at 2 am – guaranteed!
Right Now $497
Buy Now For your security, all orders are
processed on a secured server.
Your purchase is protected by our
60-day money back guarantee.
Prefer a 3-month payment plan? We’ve got you covered!
Join now for just $179/month!For every new order, we make a donation to Trees for the Future, enabling them to plant another organic fruit or nut tree in a low-income community.

- [1]“Dementia”. World Health Organization. 19 Sept 2019.
Available from: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/dementia - [2]“Alzheimer’s Disease Fact Sheet.” NIH. National Institute on Aging. Reviewed 22 May 2019.
Available from: https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/alzheimers-disease-fact-sheet - [3]2020 Alzheimer's disease facts and figures [published online ahead of print, 2020 Mar 10].
Alzheimers Dement. 2020;10.1002/alz.12068. doi:10.1002/alz.12068 - [4]Alzheimer’s Association. 2019 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures. Alzheimers Dement. 2019;15(3):321-87.
Available from: https://www.alz.org/media/Documents/alzheimers-facts-and-figures-2019-r.pdf - [5]“Dementia cases set to triple by 2050 but still largely ignored.” World Health Organization. 11 April 2012.
Available from: https://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/releases/2012/dementia_20120411/en/